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17000 folds

a tree

a tree & a yellow beast

Apples in Apple

Audio-Technica Concept Site

Bernhardt Management LLC stationery

Brave Aunt Beth website

BRG Splash Page (concept)

Chameleon book


GK ENGAGE invite

Heaven & Earth

HCA ad template

KGB Poster

Niles North Theatre

Northwind Perennial Brand Identity


One Hundred Squares

Perennial signage

Publications International, LTD



Shark poster

space / negative space

Spy Book

Sterling Bay holiday invite

Torino Olympic poster

Type nursery rhyme

Unfold me

The following are select pieces from my Advanced Type project. The assignment involved creating artifacts around a fictitious character. Each student created a spy from the 70s. We then created various forms of false identification the spy would use, as well as printed media from the era. All the artificats were then compiled into a handbound book.

Munich Olympic poster - 26" x 36"

Passports from various countries.

My spy was a novelist.

He used a poison filled pen.

A page from the spy's sketchbook.