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17,000 FOLDS

17000 folds

a tree

a tree & a yellow beast

Apples in Apple

Audio-Technica Concept Site

Bernhardt Management LLC stationery

Brave Aunt Beth website

BRG Splash Page (concept)

Chameleon book


GK ENGAGE invite

Heaven & Earth

HCA ad template

KGB Poster

Niles North Theatre

Northwind Perennial Brand Identity


One Hundred Squares

Perennial signage

Publications International, LTD



Shark poster

space / negative space

Spy Book

Sterling Bay holiday invite

Torino Olympic poster

Type nursery rhyme

Unfold me

This hard bound book measures 16 cm x 16 cm x 8 cm. It depicts the violence of the bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. The first 15 pages instructs the reader on how to fold a paper crane in 17 steps. The rest of the book
consists of a 1000 pages of red and white origami alternating in color. The origami pages are bound in a way that
they can be taken out, much like a perfect bound notepad. The reader can fold a thousand paper cranes to create
a Japanese charm called “senba-zuru” literally translated as “a thousand cranes.” Japanese school children will
work together to make the thousand cranes to honor those who died in the bombings. It is also said that if a thousand
cranes are folded, a wish will be granted. The reader can participate in the folding, inevitably destroying the book
in the process. This book embodies the transcendence of those lost souls. The book is simply titled “17,000 Folds”
as that is the number of folds it takes to fold a thousand paper cranes.